Allinq innovation partner for ProRail
6 April 2021

ProRail is entering an “innovation partnership” with twelve companies to boost the implementation of ERTMS. This was announced on March 31, the second day of RailTech Europe Live. In July 2020, ProRail introduced ASAP: Aanbesteding Snellere AanPak ERTMS (Tender for Faster Approach ERTMS). We asked companies for smart ideas to speed up the introduction of the train security system ERTMS. 9 months after the successful kick-off meeting, ProRail has selected twelve companies that will develop a business case as ProRail’s innovation partner. Allinq is proud to be one of these partners.
Business case
The next decision moment will be in July, when the partners pitch their ideas to the assessors of ProRail. Once the business case has been accepted, a test phase and a commercial phase will follow. In this, ProRail examines which innovations are eligible for actual deployment.
Innovation partners
It concerns partnerships with the following companies: Rail Connected, Heijmans Infra, Allinq Group, BAM Infra Rail, VRS Railway Industry, Tizzin, Movares, GeoNext, VolkerRail, Strukton Rail, Pilz and Delta Pi.
In connection with the elaboration of the business cases, ProRail can now only publish the names. However, it concerns a motley collection of ideas. From robotization to smart housings.
The biggest project ever
ERTMS stands for European Rail Traffic Management System, the European standard for train security. ERTMS is built in trains and in the infrastructure of the rails. With this, the rail sector is making the step from an analog to a digital track. It makes cross-border train traffic much easier.
Within ten years’ time, ERTMS must be built on the most-used rail tracks in the Netherlands. After that, the rest of the Netherlands will follow. It is our biggest project ever, according to ProRail.