Smart specification for Stedin
Network operator Stedin provides energy for 2.2 million customers The company is facing a huge challenge: preparing their network for the national energy transition. Stedin asked Allinq to help connect the Stedin stations both smoothly and sustainably.
Combining knowledge and expertise
Thanks to our experience in every step of the Stedin network lifecycle, we were able to use a helicopter view to consider the long-term option. In order to provide sound advice both strategically and operationally, we brought Allinq and Stedin specialists from various divisions together.

Good preparation gives security
With efficient use of Stedin budgets in mind, we first investigated which existing infrastructure could be reused. In addition, we took soil samples at crucial points in the course to be excavated in order to determine the most efficient excavation or drilling technology. To exclude unforeseen risks in the re-use of the existing course, we proposed fitting the existing pipes with sub-ducts, special guide tubes through which the glass fibre can safely be blown. This allows for smooth processing during the implementation stage. This approach, in which an existing course and new course are combined using smart engineering in a transparent route, was extensively tested by us beforehand for Stedin in pilot projects in Delft and Zoetermeer. The concept was developed in detail, complete with routes, instances, technical drawings, design drawings and project details. It was then used by Stedin for the fibre glass RFPs to multiple construction companies.

Getting to work
We were then commissioned to connect 50 Stedin stations in the Utrecht area. Thanks to all the preparations and the tight coordination in our workflow management system, the implementation is going smoothly. We know exactly what we can expect and we have calculated enough time and resources in advance. At the moment, we are fitting about 163 kilometres of existing HDPE cable protection pipes with sub-duct guide tubes. In addition, we are excavating and drilling 216 kilometres for new HDPE pipes. All in all, no less than 380 kilometres of glass fibre will be blown into the total course, which will be configured with care. We expect to deliver the completed project to Stedin at the end of 2021.