Towards stronger business cases with smart asset management from Allinq
21 June 2023
Asset management and data. Everyone agrees on the potential of that combination. At Allinq we are convinced that we can get more out of this if we distinguish between the different types of data and map out the purposes for which we use it. This is referred to as Smart Asset Management.
Smart Asset Management focuses on the highest asset uptime at the lowest cost. We do this by centralising data from existing sources, adding data from sensors or external sources (such as KNMI), and ultimately analysing this with the latest data science techniques. The services we provide are:
- Predictive maintenance: diagnosing and predicting maintenance required to prevent downtime;
- Energy management: using sensors to measure exactly what is consumed per group in order to optimise energy consumption;
- Quality management: accurately mapping the quality of a fiber optic network to prevent disruptions.

It starts with insight
With our asset management, we pursue four goals for our customers: reduce risk, reduce costs, increase uptime, and extend the lifecycle of the asset. Understandably, many companies tend to put what matters most first. In practice, this means: focusing primarily on reducing costs and increasing uptime. What measures are required to accomplish this? The answer to this requires an understanding of all the factors that affect cost and uptime.
Causes and coherence
Consider, for example, a 24/7 Network Operations Center that responds to alarms from sensors. A sensor measures a temperature above X degrees; this results in an alarm. A temperature warning is issued when it has already reached an excessive level. This can also be done differently. By analyzing the increase over the past few days, you can detect – or in other words – predict whether the limit has been exceeded. The coherence of various sensor data such as temperature, energy, and humidity is also very interesting. A diagnosis of this connection can clarify what caused an event.
For our asset management, this means that we do not focus exclusively on the ‘primary goals.’ After all, effective asset management is based on a full understanding of the causes and consequences of incidents and maintenance.
Data and functions
Allinq’s Smart Asset Management distinguishes between three different types of data:
- Descriptive data. The description of the asset type: device, model number, location, date of placement, etc.
- Ticket data. The registration of maintenance moments, incidents, classifications, and maintenance actions.
- Sensor data. The behavior and performance of the asset: for example, data on temperature, humidity, and energy consumption.
Our own database and the assets of our customers generally generate enough data that we can use. Sometimes, we may also install sensors for more specific information. We bring all data from the above sources together in one clear dashboard.
Sort by value
Using our dashboard, we define answers to the following questions: What risk is occurring? What is causing this? What risk may occur? How can we prevent this? By following this common thread, our data management is evolving from Business Intelligence (informing) to Advanced Analytics (analysing) to Data Science (predicting). We assign the data to the four goals of our asset management:
- Reduce risks. We record the historical data of the asset. This helps us to analyse different scenarios and prevent the recurrence of incidents.
- Reduce costs. We derive all information from the tickets that can contribute to cost reduction. We identify the performance and possible optimisations based on the sensor data.
- Increase uptime. We use sensor technology and advanced analytics to predict and prevent downtime.
- Extend life cycle. The asset’s performance is automatically and continuously analysed. We prevent malfunctions because – thanks to the analysis – we apply the most effective maintenance.
Summary and conclusion
Smart Asset Management from Allinq centralises all asset data and ranks it according to its role and significance for risks, costs, uptime, and life cycle. In the course of the data management process, its value increases: from informing to analysing to predictive. In this way, Allinq’s Smart Asset Management directly contributes to better business cases for its customers.
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Want to know how Smart Asset Management can help your organization?
Jasper Habermehl
Manager Data & IoT